Security Body Scanners

At LCY we use body scanners in security search areas to screen passengers and staff, as required by Department for Transport and CAA regulations.

Our scanners use the latest in security screening technology to scan each passenger safely and unobtrusively in just a few seconds.

Passengers who refuse to be scanned have the alternative of an enhanced hand search in private. If you refuse both screening methods, you will not be allowed to fly.

Security Scanner FAQs

Why does LCY use body scanners?

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For everyone’s safety, scanning is required by Department for Transport and CAA regulations.

How do I use the scanner?

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Simply walk into the archway scanner and a security officer tells you where/how to stand. It only takes a few seconds for the scanner to produce an outline image.

How does the scanner work?

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Scanners use millimetre wave technology to produce an outline image of a passenger’s body, highlighting any concealed objects. The scan data is conducted by a computer algorithm and is not saved.

Is the scanner safe to use?

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All security scanners use millimetre wave technology which has no known health and safety risks. This is a very low-power non-ionising form of electromagnetic technology which emits a level of radiation many times lower than a mobile phone.

(Non-ionising radiation refers to electromagnetic waves which do not alter atoms in molecules by removing electrons).

Is my privacy protected?

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Yes. The scanner produces a generic image without distinguishing features and we do not keep the image.

Is there an alternative screening method?

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If you opt out of the security scanner, our staff carry out an enhanced hand-search in private which may involve the loosening and/or removal of clothing. The Department for Transport considers that this method offers the same level of security assurance as being screened by the walk-through scanner.

Are children or any other groups exempt from screening?

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No. No-one is exempt from scanning unless they are physically unable to stand in the scanner.


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