London City Airport extends consultation on Draft Master Plan 

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London City Airport said: 

“Today, on Friday August 30th, we are making available background documents that we used to inform the technical information included within the Draft Master Plan (2020-35).

“These documents include assessments with respect to the forecast passenger numbers and associated environmental impacts that are set out in the Draft Master Plan.  This background information does not change the substance or content of the Draft Master Plan in any way.

 “To allow consultees and all other stakeholders sufficient time to read the supporting documents, we have extended the consultation period by four weeks to Friday, 18 October.

 “The background information is available on our website. Additionally, we will write to everyone that has responded to the consultation, and have provided us with contact details, as well as stakeholders, who the airport has engaged with previously, to communicate this update. The airport will also advertise the extension in all relevant local newspapers.

 “There are three public consultation events scheduled in September that we encourage stakeholders, community members and interested parties to attend so that they can learn more about our plans, and to share their views on how the airport can make best use of its existing infrastructure, manage its environmental impacts and grow sustainably over the next 15 years.”


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